The Delicate Balance Between Elephants, Communities, and Development.
For nearby communities, elephants are a beautiful sight, and when communities are organised, they can benefit from wildlife on their land through tourism. However, elephants can also be unintentional intruders, wandering into community land where they destroy crops, damage property, and even pose a risk to people’s lives. In certain situations, close encounters can trigger defensive behaviours in elephants, leading to harm for both people and the elephants themselves.
Strengthening Community-Led Conservation: A Collaborative Journey with Conservation International
Our partnership with Conservation International provides critical financial resources and expertise, enabling us to strengthen our operations, expand our community-led initiatives, and promote sustainable land use that benefits both wildlife and local communities. This collaboration amplifies our efforts and encourages community participation, making conservancies a valuable land-use option for all.
How Can Local Communities Take the Lead in Addressing Climate Change?
Local communities are true Climate Change champions. They experience its effects firsthand—unpredictable weather patterns, reduced agricultural yields, and the strain on their livelihoods. This firsthand understanding positions them to design practical solutions grounded in local realities, using an integrated approach that includes conserving natural resources and land-use planning, balancing conservation objectives with the socio-economic needs of their communities.